
Information on how to register, dates, costs, and FAQs for each program are detailed below. Please contact us at with any questions.

  • Registration for Ross Summer 2024 is available on CampMinder. Follow the prompts to log in or create a new account to register your campers!

    Please note: Registration and payment must be completed separately for each camper on your account.

  • Immersions/Sports/Early Childhood

    Week 1: June 24–28

    Week 2: July 1–5*

    Week 3: July 8–12

    Week 4: July 15–19

    Week 5: July 22–26

    Week 6: July 29–August 2

    Week 7: August 5–9

    Week 8: August 12–16

    *Ross School's East Hampton and Bridgehampton campuses will be closed on Thursday, July 4. No Ross Summer programs will be held.

    Summer Boarding

    Session 1: June 23–July 13

    Session 2: July 14– August 3

  • Weekly rates are discounted based on the number of weeks registered per camper. They are valid across Ross Summer Immersion and Sports programs for registrations made at the same time.

    Immersions/Sports/Early Childhood Ages 3–6 (Full Day)

    8 weeks: $1,200/wk

    7 weeks: $1,200/wk

    6 weeks: $1,300/wk

    5 weeks: $1,300/wk

    4 weeks: $1,400/wk

    3 weeks: $1,400/wk

    2 weeks: $1,500/wk

    1 week: $1,500/wk

    Two-Year Old Creative Explorations (Half-Day)

    8 weeks: $1,000/wk

    7 weeks: $1,000/wk

    6 weeks: $1,100/wk

    5 weeks: $1,100/wk

    4 weeks: $1,200/wk

    3 weeks: $1,200/wk

    2 weeks: $1,300/wk

    1 week: $1,300/wk

    Music and Movement

    $150/week (Tuesday & Thursday 11 am–12 pm)

    Summer Boarding

    3 weeks: $7,500

    6 weeks: $13,000

    Please note: There are no refunds or make-ups for any reason; this includes but is not limited to, injury, illness, and inclement weather. Weekly session prices are discounted per transaction. Unfortunately, to provide the best services possible, we can not add weeks together if they are booked separately. Thank you for your understanding.

  • A 100% non-refundable tuition is due at the time of registration to reserve your space. There are no refunds or make-ups for any reason; this includes but is not limited to, injury, illness, and inclement weather.

    • All campers must have up-to-date immunization records, including vaccinations and current physical within the year, submitted to Ross Summer by Monday, June 26. No exceptions will be permitted.

    • Two-year-old Early Childhood campers are not required to be potty trained. Campers age 3 and up must be fully-potty-trained (not wearing diapers or pull-ups).

    • There will be no camp visitors or adult visitation on campus. Access to our camp is restricted to campers and staff only to ensure the safety of all.

    • Campers must bring personal water bottles.

    • There will be designated areas for drop-off. Each program will have a specific drop-off area and time of arrival.

    • If a camper becomes ill during the camp day, their family has to immediately pick up and must be within a 30-minute pick-up time.

    • Hand sanitizing will take place within each program. Campers will adhere to strict hand-washing and hand sanitizing throughout the camp day.

    • Each camper must have an emergency contact.

    • If your child doesn’t feel well, PLEASE keep him or her home. For the safety of all, please adhere strictly to this protocol.


    All programs run Monday–Friday, 9 am–3 pm, with the exception of Creative Explorations Two-Year-Old program, which runs 9 am–12:30 pm, and Music and Movement for ages 2 and under, which is held Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10–11 am.


    Week 1: June 24–June 28

    Week 2: July 1–July 5*

    Week 3: July 8–12

    Week 4: July 15–19

    Week 5: July 22–26

    Week 6: July 29–August 2

    Week 7: August 5–9

    Week 8: August 12–16

    *Ross School's East Hampton and Bridgehampton campuses will be closed on Thursday, July 4. No Ross Summer programs will take place.


    Weekly rates are discounted based on the number of weeks registered per camper. They are valid across Ross Summer Immersion and Sports programs for registrations made at the same time.

    Immersions/Creative Explorations Ages 3–6

    8 weeks: $1,200/wk

    7 weeks: $1,200/wk

    6 weeks: $1,300/wk

    5 weeks: $1,300/wk

    4 weeks: $1,400/wk

    3 weeks: $1,400/wk

    2 weeks: $1,500/wk

    1 week: $1,500/wk

    Creative Explorations: Age 2 (Half Day Program)

    8 weeks: $1,000/wk

    7 weeks: $1,000/wk

    6 weeks: $1,100/wk

    5 weeks: $1,100/wk

    4 weeks: $1,200/wk

    3 weeks: $1,200/wk

    2 weeks: $1,300/wk

    1 week: $1,300/wk

    Music & Movement (Tuesday & Thursday 11 am–12 pm)


    Please note: There are no refunds or make-ups for any reason; this includes but is not limited to, injury, illness, and inclement weather. Weekly session prices are discounted per transaction. Unfortunately, to provide the best services possible, we can not add weeks together if they are booked separately. Thank you for your understanding.


    When should I enroll my child?

    Although signup continues throughout the summer, space is limited, so the earlier you enroll, the better chance there is that the program your child desires will still be open. To ensure the safety of all campers, group numbers will be limited.

    What does my child need to bring each day?

    Campers should dress in the camp T-shirt and clothes that are suitable for a variety of activities, including games and sports. All campers should wear sneakers (no open-toed shoes) and bring sunblock.

    Is there a camp uniform?

    Yes. Campers in Immersions and Early Childhood are required to wear camp t-shirts. Each camper receives one t-shirt with registration; additional shirts may be purchased for $10 each.

    How many counselors are in each group?

    Our ratio of campers to counselors is 6:1.

    What are the camp hours?

    Full-Day: 9 am–3 pm

    Creative Explorations Age 2: 9 am–12:30 pm.

    Music and Movement (ages 2 and under): Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10–11 am

    Each program will have a designated area and time for arrival and pick-up.

    Do Early Childhood campers need to be potty trained?

    Early Childhood two-year-old campers are not required to be potty trained.

    Campers age three and up must be fully potty-trained (not wearing diapers or pull-ups) and able to use the bathroom independently.

    Can I visit my child while he/she is at camp?

    There are no camp visitors or adult visitation permitted on campus. We restrict access to our camp to campers and staff only to ensure the safety of all.

    Are campers allowed to have their laptops, iPads, and cell phones at camp?

    Valuables should be left at home. Cell phones are permitted for emergency use only.

    Please note: Campers in the Inventor’s Workshop Immersion will be allowed to bring cell phones, laptops, and or iPads for use during the camp day.

    What is the refund policy?

    Please note: There are no refunds or make-ups for any reason; this includes, but is not limited to, injury, illness, and inclement weather.


    All programs run Monday–Friday, 9 am–3 pm.


    Week 1: June 24–June 28

    Week 2: July 1–July 5*

    Week 3: July 8–12

    Week 4: July 15–19

    Week 5: July 22–26

    Week 6: July 29–August 2

    Week 7: August 5–9

    Week 8: August 12–16

    *Ross School's East Hampton and Bridgehampton campuses will be closed on Thursday, July 4. No Ross Summer programs will take place.


    Weekly rates are discounted based on the number of weeks registered per camper. They are valid across Ross Summer Immersion and Sports programs for registrations made at the same time.


    8 weeks: $1,200/wk

    7 weeks: $1,200/wk

    6 weeks: $1,300/wk

    5 weeks: $1,300/wk

    4 weeks: $1,400/wk

    3 weeks: $1,400/wk

    2 weeks: $1,500/wk

    1 week: $1,500/wk

    Please note: There are no refunds or make-ups for any reason; this includes, but is not limited to, injury, illness, and inclement weather. Weekly session prices are discounted per transaction. Unfortunately, to provide the best services possible, we can not add weeks together if they are booked separately. Thank you for your understanding.


    Where are Sports programs held?

    Sports programs are held in East Hampton, NY, on the beautiful Ross School campus. Directions are on our Visit page.

    How do I contact Ross Summer to inquire about Sports programs?

    Please call 631-907-5376 or email

    When should I enroll my child?

    Although signup continues throughout the summer, space is limited, so the earlier you enroll, the better chance there is that the program your child desires will still be open.

    What does my child need to bring each day?

    Campers should dress in the camp T-shirt and clothes that are suitable for athletic activities. All campers should wear sport-specific sneakers (no open-toed shoes) and bring sunblock and a water bottle. Please also pack a bathing suit and towel daily for our water slide activity.

    Does the camp provide lunch?

    Yes, the Ross School Café will provide lunch for all campers.

    Is there a camp uniform?

    No. Comfortable athletic clothing is recommended and campers should wear sport-specific sneakers. (Each camper will receive a camp t-shirt with registration but it is not required that they wear this.)

    What are the camp hours?

    Full day: 9 AM–3 PM

    Can I visit my child while he/she is at camp?

    There are no camp visitors or adult visitation permitted on campus. We restrict access to our camp to campers and staff only to ensure the safety of all.

    Are campers allowed to have their iPods and cell phones at camp?

    Valuables should be left at home. Cell phones are permitted for emergency use only.

    What is the refund policy?

    There are no refunds or make-ups for any reason; this includes but is not limited to, injury, illness, and inclement weather.

  • AGES

    12–16 Years (rising Grades 7–10)


    Session 1: June 23–July 13

    Session 2: July 14–August 3


    Discounts are provided for students participating in the full six-week program.

    3 weeks: $7,500

    6 weeks: $13,000

    Included in cost: All meals, International student health insurance, classes, and all excursions.

    Not included in cost: Flights, airport transportation, and petty cash.


    Students will live in our boarding houses, in comfortable bedrooms, each with a full bathroom.


    There will be a maximum of 12 students in each session.


    Students can choose from the following tracks:

    Track 1: ESOL + STEM/Art

    Track 2: ESOL + Tennis

    Track 3: Tennis + STEM/Art

    Track 4: Tennis Intensive


    Please note: There are no refunds or make-ups for any reason; this includes but is not limited to, injury, illness, and inclement weather.


    Please email

  • The Counselor-in-Training (CIT) program allows 13 and 14-year-old campers to participate in their selected Immersion while learning to mentor fellow campers, mediate and problem-solve, and train to become a camp counselor.

    This program requires an application, an interview, and a two-week commitment, as well as the desire to be a leader in the summer camp community. After registration, CIT campers will be contacted to set up an interview and discuss their Immersion preferences.


    Week 1: June 24–June 28

    Week 2: July 1–July 5*

    Week 3: July 8–12

    Week 4: July 15–19

    Week 5: July 22–26

    Week 6: July 29–August 2

    Week 7: August 5–9

    Week 8: August 12–16

    *Ross School's East Hampton and Bridgehampton campuses will be closed on Thursday, July 4. No Ross Summer programs will be held.


    $1500 per week


    8:45–9 am: Arrival and Meeting

    9 am–12 pm: Morning Immersion/Sport

    12–1:20 pm: Lunch

    1:30–3 pm: Training and Shadow Counselors

    3–3:15 pm: Dismissal

  • Summer Camp Immersions/Early Childhood

    739 Butter Lane

    Bridgehampton, NY 11932


    Sports Camp

    18 Goodfriend Drive

    East Hampton, NY 11937


    Summer Boarding

    18 Goodfriend Drive

    East Hampton, NY 11937


    Phone: 631-907-5376

    Health Office Fax Number: 631-907-5139